Wednesday, 30 December 2009

A Message and Poem from Antonio Guerrero

Dear friends,

With these poems, I want to reiterate that we, the Five, feel profoundly moved and grateful for the permanent solidarity that you give us, so crucial in this long battle for justice.

Together with you, we will continue until the final victory, which only will be reached with the return of us to our Homeland.

Greetings to all our friends, with a big fraternal embrace from the Five.

Best wishes.

Antonio Guerrero Rodríguez
December 23, 2009, FDC Miami


There will be more poetry
Because the Truth
Is like a giant wave
Or a flying horse...

Because ascending over boundaries
Of time and prison bars,
I can contemplate
How a flower blooms,

Because far away
My solitary pain
Can transform itself
Into a bird, singing a song ...

Because I can still remember
The perfume and color
Of that brief morning
Of my last goodbye

Because to keep alive
More than what God could make
It is important to me
What you and I can make

Because as a whisper,
As a volcano with a voice,
Inspiration within me
Lifts, grows and burns ...

Because without freedom,
I have something better ...
That agitates ideas
From my soul to my heart

Something that in the struggle
Of light and Truth
Anoints me as the real Winner
I have what engenders real harmony
I have Love !

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